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Installation Problem

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:28 pm
by 16456426
I have exchanged emails with your [email protected] about this issue. I haven't heard back in a few days, so I thought I'd have better luck here. I have the following installed. They were installed in this order:

Install Borland C++ Builder -
After installation completes, reboot.
Install TeeCharts - TeeChart2010Delphi2009.exe. Accept all defaults. .
After installation completes, reboot.
Install QuickReports Pro - Run QR5042PC2009.EXE. Accept all defaults.
After installation completes, reboot.
Install DevExpress - Run DeveloperExpressVCLProducts51.exe.
After installation completes, reboot.

I confirmed all the include and lib paths from the sales email. As suggested, I created a blank project, saved it, and exited C++ Builder. When I reopened C++ Builder I confirmed that the 3 TeeChart components were still installed.

I have a very simple reproducible scenario:

Create a new VCL Forms Application project. Drag a TADOConnection onto the form. Get lots of errors. I am attaching a
Word document with the screen shots of the errors. This is a blocking issue for us, so any help is most appreciated.

Re: Installation Problem

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:29 pm
by 16456426
Also, I would like to add that I am using C++ Builder, but I AM NOT using Delphi.

Re: Installation Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:50 pm
by narcis
Hi MaryM,

Can you run a simple project with a TChart component on it successfully? Disabling QuickReport and DevExpress packages in the problematic project (at Project -> Options -> Packages) solves the problem? If the later it's true then most likely those components are using TeeChart packages but fail to find them. You should enable them one at a time and check which is the offending package:

a) If it's QuickReport you could either try running TeeRecompile tool shipped with TeeChart source code installer or TeeInstall shipped with binary installers to try to recompile TeeChart for Quick Report packages with your environment.

b) if DevExpress packages fail you should ask DevExpress technical support if your DevExpress packages support your TeeChart version as they are the ones who implement this support as described here.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Installation Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:01 pm
by 16456426
Hi Narcis,

Thanks for your reply. I just created a new post moments ago. Please take a look at that. I uninstalled everything, and reinstalled just C++ Builder and Tee Charts, and I am still getting problems without DevExpress and QuickReports installed.

The other post has steps to reproduce and screen shots of my environment and error messages.


Re: Installation Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:08 pm
by narcis
Hi MaryM,

Ok, just posted an answer there.