Hello Bruce,
Metman wrote:
Although the install seems to works fine it leaves behind the previous TeeChart Std folder in the toolbar palette.
Although it does create a TeeChart folder in the tool palette, the new version of the main TChart component is left behind in the TeeChart Std folder.
If the Pro installation ended successfully, the design time pacakges should have been replaced, even if the TChart component hasn't moved to the new folder in the toolbar. Note you can drag and drop the components in the toolbox.
To know what components you have installed, check the list of packages, not the toolbox.
- VB6_2018-01-29_11-18-01.png (32.71 KiB) Viewed 27686 times
So, even if the installation should have moved the TChart component to the new folder in the toolbox, if it fails, you can move it manually or you can leave it where it is.
Metman wrote:
Although the library paths are correct they don't work.
What error are you getting?
Metman wrote:
I've seen the topic on library paths which says that I should replace them with this:
but they remain greyed out because of course they can't find the path.
Do you mean the post
These paths are always "relative" paths. Relative to where you installed the components. By default, TeeChart Pro v2017.23 is installed at:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\Steema TeeChart Pro VCL FMX 2017.23"
So the default library path for RAD 10.2 Tokyo Release 2 is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\Steema TeeChart Pro VCL FMX 2017.23\\Delphi25\Delphi25.win32\Lib"
Do you have that folder in your machine's hard drive?
Metman wrote:I must have installed and reinstalled now at least six times now.
I've even re-downloaded the installer.
I've installed to different folders.
I've added previous versions.
I've added the missing GDI .hpp files to the relevant folder.
Nothing seems to work.
I'm so sorry to hear you've lost so many time trying to get TeeChart to work!
Please, tell us what RAD Studio version are you using and what error message do you get when opening the IDE (with no project loaded) after installing TeeChart Pro.
Metman wrote:Is this problem somehow related to Update 2?
Yes. Note Embarcadero published RAD Studio Tokyo Release 2 (25.0.28979.1978) and a few days later they published an important Hotfix (25.0.29039.2004) (ref
We have updated RAD Studio 10.2.2 to address an issue that caused incompatibility problems for a number of third party components.This build (build 2004) replaces the previously released RAD Studio 10.2.2 build (build 1978).
We released TeeChart v2017.23 after this hotfix was publised, so:
- TeeChart v2017.22 binary version supports RAD Studio Tokyo Release 1 (not Release 2 with or without the Hotfix).
- TeeChart v2017.23 binary version supports RAD Studio Tokyo Release 2
with the Hotfix, not any previous version.
- There's no TeeChart binary version supporting RAD Studio Tokyo Release 2
without the Hotfix.
- Both TeeChart v2017.22 and v2017.23 source code versions support all RAD Studio Tokyo versions: Release 1, Release 2 without the Hotfix and Release 2 with the Hotfix.