i am trying to export a chart to a pdf.
I am using TeeChart 7 under BCB6
here is the code:
TeeSaveToPDFFile(Chart1,"test.pdf", 450, 200);
but this gives and EAccessViolation Error. What is the correct way to export to a pdf?
exporting chart to pdf
Hi, Neil.
The code looks fine to me. Perhaps it's a bug in one of internal pdf generating routines (font metrics). Which operating system are you using ? I'd be great if you could send me small sample application (sources only, so that I can run it here as-is) so that I can debug/test it here. You can send it to my [email protected] email address.
The code looks fine to me. Perhaps it's a bug in one of internal pdf generating routines (font metrics). Which operating system are you using ? I'd be great if you could send me small sample application (sources only, so that I can run it here as-is) so that I can debug/test it here. You can send it to my [email protected] email address.
Marjan Slatinek,
Hi, Neil.
Perhaps the problem is the Transparency is not supported in pdf/eps (and some other) export filter. Current PDF export implementation does not support all TCahvas3D methods so when exporting, you should disable more advanced features (transparency, different brush fills, ...).
Perhaps the problem is the Transparency is not supported in pdf/eps (and some other) export filter. Current PDF export implementation does not support all TCahvas3D methods so when exporting, you should disable more advanced features (transparency, different brush fills, ...).
Marjan Slatinek,