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VC++ example "Surface" does not work!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:48 am
by 9078641
When I compile the surface example and run it.

This line in function void CSurfaceDlg::FillSurface()


throws an exception. !
The message is

Invalid Number of parameters !

As it is a "working" example of how to use TeeChart, I wonder why I get the exception... of course I assume it is a real working example.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 10:34 am
by Pep

which example are you referencing ?

Best Regards !
Josep Lluis Jorge

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 2:52 pm
by 9078641
Pep wrote:Hi,

which example are you referencing ?

Best Regards !
Josep Lluis Jorge
The project is in under Examples: VC++

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:11 am
by Pep
This example is not included in the TeeChart Pro AX installation. Are you sure this project has not been created by you ?

Josep Lluis Jorge

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:15 pm
by 9078641
Pep wrote:This example is not included in the TeeChart Pro AX installation. Are you sure this project has not been created by you ?

Josep Lluis Jorge
No I have not done a surface example yet, I soon need to get to do it, and that is why I studied the surface example delivered by Teechart.

I noticed the readem file say';s it's version 3 ! Perhaps the things is so old it not longer sorks with TeeChart 6.

When I installed Version 6 it put a zip file in the examples directory in an the zip file is a Readme.txt

this is the contents of the readme (notice it says version 3)

* TeeChart Pro ActiveX version 3 *
* *
* Examples for MS Visual C++ *
* *
* teeMach SL, Barcelona *
* *
* email [email protected] *


The Zipfile includes the following examples:

1. - example of OLE Automation
2. - Interactive Charts using mouse events
3. - Save TeeChart to JPEG file
4. - Sharing a Chart with text on a printed page
5. - Add points and scroll Chart
6. - Use of Surface Series

All examples use the TeeChartDefines.H constant header file.
You will need to add this file to the workspace folder of
each project.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:06 pm
by Pep
I've tried to compile this example (from the zip file) and compiles/runs fine here.
Could you please re-download the zip file which contains all the examples from . ...

unzip and test it again ?

Josep Lluis Jorge

Same problem

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:55 am
by 9078641
Pep wrote:I've tried to compile this example (from the zip file) and compiles/runs fine here.
Could you please re-download the zip file which contains all the examples from . ...

unzip and test it again ?

Josep Lluis Jorge
OK I donwloaded the and compiled it again.
The same problem
In the function FillSurface() the line

"aSeries.SetNumZValues(m_ctrlSlider.GetPos());" is the problem

I glad to see the sampel does come from TeeChart :-)

Hans W

void CSurfaceDlg::FillSurface()
>>>>>>> code removed here for clarity

// set initial surface size (rows x columns)

aSeries.SetNumZValues(m_ctrlSlider.GetPos()); // This line is the problem

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:47 am
by Chris
If you're after a TeeChart VC++ surface example build with a version of TeeChart AX less than four years old, may I suggest that you have a look at the example under:

C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v6 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual C++\Version 6\SeriesTextSource

Best regards,

Christopher Ireland

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 7:50 pm
by 9078641
Christopher Ireland wrote:If you're after a TeeChart VC++ surface example build with a version of TeeChart AX less than four years old, may I suggest that you have a look at the example under:

C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v6 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual C++\Version 6\SeriesTextSource

Best regards,

Christopher Ireland
I'm looking a an example that works.
The example you suggested simply shows an open frame, and there is no way to add data to it.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:19 am
by Marc

In the sample from the FAQ it should work if you comment out the aSeries.SetNumZValues line. (it worked here with that change).

At least it'll work as a TeeChart AX v3 and v4 project. ...To use it with later versions of TeeChart it'll need to be updated with the update utilities ..or rebuilt, then copy/pasting the code to the new project.

(See below for later versions)


Code: Select all

void CSurfaceDlg::FillSurface()
	CString strSlider;
	strSlider.Format("%d x %d", m_ctrlSlider.GetPos(), m_ctrlSlider.GetPos());

	// remove all surface points...

	// This also makes a type check
	CSurfaceSeries aSeries = m_ctrlChart.GetSeries(0).GetAsSurface();

	// set initial surface size (rows x columns)
	// add surface points with a loop
	int nMaxPoints = aSeries.GetNumXValues();
	for(int x = 1; x <= nMaxPoints; x++)
		for (int z = 1; z <= nMaxPoints; z++)
			double d= nMaxPoints * 0.2;
			aSeries.AddXYZ(x, 0.5 * cos(x / d) 
					+ cos(z / d), z, "", clTeeColor);

In version 5 the TeeChart Series property was changed to a method to make it compatible with Visual Studio.NET ...therefore all GetSeries(xx) become Series(xx). In this project there's a path problem (or other?) to the correct font source so I commented a font size change, maybe someone can find the cause.

I've updated the project to v6 and I'll put it on the attachments newsgroup:


Marc Meumann
Steema Support

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:04 am
by 9078641
Thanks for the help, I would like to see the modfied example.

However I cannot access

The error message read "the newsgroup doe snot exisit on" !

That's why I like this new forum at least I can acess it...

Is there anyway to get the file directly...?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:00 am
by Pep
Could you please check it again. I've just test it now and I can access.

Josep Lluis Jorge

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:36 pm
by 9078641
Pep wrote:Could you please check it again. I've just test it now and I can access.

Josep Lluis Jorge
Does not work here...
Thi is the message I get from Netscape 7.1

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:53 am
by Pep
Have you tried to access using Outlook Express or similar .. ?
If you still having problems, could you please tell me an email which I can use to send it to you directly ?

Josep Lluis Jorge